therapy for young adults

Did you just graduate college but have absolutely no clue what you want to do with your life? Or maybe you’re a few years into the “perfect” job and you’re starting to realize how much you hate it! I bet you spend way too much time every day scrolling on social media but the more you do it, the worse you feel about yourself? I know you can relate to this. 

Millennial? Gen Z? Young adult? So many names and titles to choose from! Regardless of the title, the feelings and experiences are the same. Now you’re in the “real world” but it doesn’t seem as great as you thought it would be. For the first time in your life, there’s no one telling you what to do. There’s no semester schedule to follow, no promotions on the horizon, and you have no clue how to pay off the mounds of student loans you owe. I see you out there. I know you’re struggling. 

Being a 20-something or 30-something feels overwhelming. You’re faced with so many life choices and decisions. It seems like your parents’ generation just had it so much easier. There’s so much pressure to make things happen, to be successful, to achieve your dreams but no matter what you do, you feel like it’s just not happening quick enough. Yet it seems that everyone else is just cruising along and living their best life.


There’s nothing wrong with you.
This is exactly where you’re supposed to be.


I like to call this phase of your life a “Quarter Life Crisis” (I didn’t make that term up so I can’t take the credit for it!) and it literally is just that: you’re at the quarter life mark in your life but it feels like this big existential crisis. Nothing makes sense and you’re getting more and more anxious or depressed trying to figure it out. It may feel like you’re losing your mind but I promise you, you’re not.

How about we try to figure it out together?


What does therapy for young adults look like?

I’ll be honest, being a young adult is not supposed to be an easy time. Maybe you thought it would be but in reality, it’s the phase in your life where you’re trying to really figure out who you are, what you stand for, what are your priorities, and how you want to move forward in your life. We can’t figure that out in just a few sessions! But together, we can help you put one foot in front of the other and figure out the path to take that’s best for you. These are just a few of the many things we can work on together:

  • Navigate college and career transitions

  • Tackle “imposter syndrome”

  • Cope with fear and anxiety

  • Set healthy boundaries with family, friends, & coworkers

  • Explore LGBTQIA identity

  • Make important choices without second guessing yourself

  • Say “no” to toxic friendships and relationships

  • Increase self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Identify and reduce perfectionism

  • Manage work/life balance

  • Be happy while at a job you hate


Ready to tackle that Quarter Life Crisis?