therapy for anxiety

Do you find yourself replaying situations that happened and wishing you could have said or done something differently? Or maybe you get stuck thinking about all the worst case scenarios that may happen in the future. Sound familiar? 

I bet you lie awake at night going through your mile-long “to do” list over and over again or get stuck thinking about how much of a disaster that meeting tomorrow with your boss will be. Also sound familiar? 

Worrying about what may happen in the future or about what has happened in the past ALWAYS leads to anxiety. It’s as if you’re pouring gasoline on a fire but this time, the fire is your anxiety and the more you think about these things, the worse your anxiety gets. 

I know, I know, you may be saying “but it’s so hard to stop my brain from doing this! I can’t control the thoughts that come into my head.” Yup, I get it. I believe you. I’ve been there myself and said those exact same things. 


But guess what? It doesn’t have to keep happening. You can learn to manage your anxiety so that it’s not controlling your life.



What does therapy for anxiety look like?

I pull from a variety of techniques and approaches to help clients deal with anxiety. I know you want to feel better as soon as possible. I’ll be honest, there isn’t a quick fix and it will take some time to change your patterns of thoughts and behaviors. But I know enough about anxiety to know that there is hope; things will get better. Here are some of the things we’ll work on together to help you manage your anxiety:

  • Learn how to make tough decisions without worrying about whether you’re making the “right choice” 

  • Set healthy boundaries with people and family members without feeling guilty

  • Stop replaying every situation in your head wishing you could have said or done things differently

  • Ease up on your chronic perfectionism 

  • Let go of comparing yourself to others 

  • Stop thinking about every possible “worst case scenario” and all the “what ifs…”

  • Develop ways to calm your body down when you’re feeling anxious


I can’t promise you that you’ll never feel anxious again. We all feel anxious from time to time. I know I do (Just because I’m a therapist doesn’t make me immune to anxiety)! But what I can promise you is that I can help you gain the knowledge, skills, and support to learn how to live with anxiety and control IT rather than IT controlling you.


Anxiety may never fully disappear from your life but therapy helps you manage it better.



Ready to let go of anxiety?